Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Three Week Follow-Up

I saw my oncologist this past Monday. We talked a lot about the "new normal" or what life will be like after I'm finished with chemo. Waiting, watching and wondering if it's back while trying not to stress out. After one year without a recurrence I'm considered in remission. After five years I'm considered cured. This was just a regular three week follow up appointment, so there is no real new news. My counts look good and I'm tolerating the chemo well. We'll schedule surgery to take the port out a month after I finish chemo. He gave me the thumbs up to train for the Susan G. Komen 5k Race for the Cure, which is in June. My plan is to RUN it, so I better get my rear in gear. While this is a lofty goal, I believe I can do it if I stick to a training schedule. It's only three miles.


Anonymous said...

I am Della´s friend Karin Lööf in Sweden and I have read some from your blog. I am very pleased to hear that you are recovering and are in good faith. I pray for you, as a promised Della. Hugs from Karin.

Anonymous said...

What a great goal! I would love the opportunity to run with you.

I'm so proud of you, Dena!



Anonymous said...

Dena, I would LOVE to come up and be on your "team" at The Race up there. Of course, we will also run in support of you in Portland. I am amazed at your strength! We love you, Melissa