Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No Way, What Next?

I had a regular office visit today with my oncologist's nurse practitioner. We were talking about the lymphedema and she referred me to the lymphedema clinic, where I'll get a compression sleeve, receive massage and learn more about managing the symptoms. While she was examining my arm and lymph nodes around my neck she said... "you're not going to want to hear this, but some of the swelling in your arm may be due to a blood clot". A blood clot? It seems that I have had about every possible side effect or complication that there could be. About an hour later I was on the exam table getting a vascular ultrasound. Sure enough, I have a blood clot between my shoulder and port site. It is about 2-1/2" in size and is blocking normal blood flow. I went back to see the oncologist. He assured me that this type of blood clot does not commonly dislodge and travel to the brain, lungs or heart. Whew! Even though he said that I am still a bit unsettled about the whole thing. If it were dangerous or life threatening I know that I would be in the hospital having it taken care of. I started two types of anticoagulants (blood thinners) today (Fragmin injections and oral Coumadin), which will hopefully break up and dissolve the clot. I'm on the injections for five days and will need to be on Coumadin for as long as I have my port. I'll be getting regular blood tests (called PT/INR) to see how fast my blood clots and then my Coumadin dose will be adjusted accordingly. I have to watch for easy bruising and to add reality with a bit of drama... I'll need to be careful not to cut myself or I could bleed to death. Keep me out of the kitchen and away from the sharp knives.


Andrea said...

Man, I'm sorry you have yet another thing to deal with, Dena! How aggravating it must be to have a swollen arm and additional meds. I hope the symptoms go away quickly and there are no other issues.

Anonymous said...

Hey Beans....so glad docs weren't alarmed by this! Though I am sure that another injection and pill is just what you wanted for Christmas! Ugh. Hugs! C.

Unknown said...

holy cow.....this just adds my sense unfairness. keep up the good work and lots of love

Anonymous said...

It's Rebecca Mason from GRMS. I have been following your journey and cannot believe all you have had to endure! You are an amazing tower of strength! I think of you and Amanda (and of course Nathan) often. Please give Amanda a hug from me. I know you have my number. I hope you use it....

Anonymous said...

Dena, my Mom just told me about this...yet another thing you are dealing with. Positive thoughts are sent your way everyday. You have amazing strength. We miss you all...hug those kiddos. Merry Christmas. See you soon. Mel

Anonymous said...

Dena....I sure hope this new bump in the road gets smoothed out quickly.
I know how strong you are and all the family backing you have will guide you through this phase.
Here comes the snow you wanted to stick around!!
Know that I'm thinking of you and I love you dearly....Steph

Anonymous said...

Dena, I can't believe it has been nearly a year since we have started on this journey together! We are blessed to have you in our lives and have your family a part of our practice. Looking forward to a clot free, abscess free, diabetes free, and most of all cancer free 2009!

Ryan and Graham, and staff