Monday, January 24, 2011

Just Call Me Uni-Boob

I went back to the lymphedema specialist, an occupational therapist at St. Joe's. My left arm and side have been very painful. I've tried ignoring it and that isn't working. I've tried wishing it wasn't an issue and that didn't work either. So, I'm back in therapy. I was fit with a compression bra (lovely) that is more like a high on the sides and back, long on the torso, very tight, stretchy sports bra with a big zipper up the front. Believe it or not, it is actually very comfortable and it feels good to have the impacted area contained... or shall I say compressed. The foobs fit quite nicely in the compression bra, but it looks like I have one flat uni-boob. I'm glad it's comfortable, because I'm supposed to wear it ALL of the time. Next week I'll be fitted with a compression sleeve and glove. See, the impacted arm is like a water balloon and if the compression sleeve only goes to the wrist then my hand will swell up (envisioning a Mickey Mouse hand). This is all very important, because my left arm measured six centimeters larger than last time. That is quite significant. Luckily, if I am diligent with doing massage and wearing the compression garments the swelling should go down, the fluid should flow back to where it belongs and the lymphedema can be managed. I'm just stuck with a uni-boob and all these inconvenient contraptions for now.

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